You’re with family
HTM Insurance Company – formerly known as the Hamilton Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and later, the Hamilton Township Mutual Insurance Company – was formed in 1898 in the spirit of neighbors helping neighbours, as many farmers were unable to find companies to insure their properties and livestock. In our first year 147 policies were written. Today, our insurance coverage has grown to include a wide range of policies including farm, auto, residential and commercial.
Insurance the mutual way
HTM Insurance Company is a Mutual Insurance Company, meaning that we are community based and owned and operated by our Policyholders. We are led by a Board of Directors of which we elect from among our Policyholders, and the Board appoints the Officers of the Company. Our Mission Statement speaks quite clearly to our values – ‘To protect your future as if it’s our own’.
Over time our company name was amended to remove the word “Farmers”, and further amended in 2007 to HTM Insurance Company. At this time we wanted the community to know that we not only serve our local farmers, but also offer policies for residential, auto and commercial clients. A new logo and identity was launched to reflect this.
A lot has changed over the past hundred-plus years since our company was founded, but the way we approach taking care of our Policyholders has never wavered: at HTM Insurance Company, “you’re with family”.
To protect your future as if it’s our own.
Mission Statement
Striving to provide you with peace of mind by protecting your tomorrows today.
Core Values
The following represents the company’s core values:
“We treat our customers like family.”
We look out for the best interests of our customers in the same way we do with our families. We want only the best for them. When you are with us, you’re with family.
“We act with heart.”
We care about what you care about. We are thoughtful and considerate of your needs and well-being.
“We make a difference in our communities.”
We are proud of the communities we are part of. We go out of our way to support them and make a lasting difference.
“We do the right thing – with integrity.”
We treat one another with respect and loyalty. We build trust in our organization by doing what we say we will.
“We strive to be remarkable.”
By continuously working to be our best, we provide great service to our clients. We focus on constant improvements and finding ways to be better.
Code of Consumer Rights
Insurance companies, along with the brokers and agents who sell home, auto and business insurance, are committed to safeguarding your rights when you shop for insurance and when you submit a claim following a loss. Your rights include the right to be informed fully, to be treated fairly, to timely complaint resolution, and to privacy. These rights are grounded in the contract between you and your insurer and the insurance laws of your province. With rights, however, come responsibilities including, for example, the expectation that you will provide complete and accurate information to your insurer. Your policy outlines other important responsibilities. Insurers and their distribution networks, and governments also have important roles to play in ensuring that your rights are protected.
Broker Compensation
HTM Insurance has contracts with independent insurance Brokers throughout Central Ontario. HTM also distributes its products through our agents.
Brokers are independent business practitioners who maintain contractual relationships with several insurance companies. They have the expertise to assess your insurance needs, provide advice and recommend coverage on your behalf.
We take great care in ensuring that HTM Insurance and our Brokers/Agents operate to the highest professional standards. The Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) is the self-regulatory body for insurance brokers in Ontario. Established in October 1981, RIBO regulates the licensing, professional competence, ethical conduct, and insurance related financial obligations of all independent general insurance brokers in the province. For more information please visit
The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) oversees agents in this province, to contact them please visit
Ontario Mutuals
The Ontario Mutuals are a network of more than 40 independent, purely mutual insurance companies across Ontario who make up one of the strongest financial networks in the world.
Ontario Mutuals are community based property and casualty (P&C) insurance companies that are owned by their policyholders. There are no stockholders. All Ontario Mutuals have been successfully operating in your communities for well over 100 years. They have remained strong and stable throughout the years and have provided solid, reliable service to the communities in which they operate.
Association Partners
- IBC – Insurance Bureau of Canada
- 4- H Ontario – Youth Development Organization
- OFA – Ontario Federation of Agriculture
- Statistics Canada – Agricultural Census
- FSRA – Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario
- Farm Re – Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan
- OMIA – Ontario Mutual Insurance Association
- OMAF – Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
- Ontario Plowmen’s Association – International Plowing Match & Farm Machinery
- NAMIC – National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
- CAMIC – Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies